Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Finding and Keeping Our Calm

It's December, time to give ourselves a gift~ 

Strategies to help us feel happy, peaceful and calm.

 December is fun with snow and so many holidays. It can be a happy time! We might also feel other BIG feelings.

If you feel
silly, angry, worried or SAD 
do YOU know what to do? 

Practice and use the Calm Down Stepsand they will be a big help when your feelings feel BIG.

step 1 STOP This is the hardest step when your feeling are BIG. Remember to tell yourself STOP, or WAIT, or THINK to give yourself time to pause.
step 2 NAME YOUR FEELING  Happy, sad and mad are easy to remember, but don't forget new words like DISAPPOINTED, FRUSTRATED, ANNOYED AND WORRIED. It is important to KNOW and name our feelings and why we are having them. Say them out loud. Share them with an important grown-up.

step 3 CALM DOWN We all have our own ways to calm down, what are yours? Choose a few that you know will work for YOU!

~ Ways to Calm Down ~

Did you know just NAMING YOUR FEELING begins to help you calm down? Expressing our thoughts and feelings can help us feel more in control, and that feels good! 

Focus on Your Breathing. There are so many different kinds of breath. Try one we learned, or explore with your important grown ups and find more ideas!

Take a walk. Have a drink of water. Hug your pet or a stuffy. Dance. TALK to a friend or important grown up. Listen to music. Play outside. Hug a person or a pillow. Rest.

Use positive self - talk: 

Draw, paint or craft, or Zen Doodle to give your body and brain time to relax. 


Can YOU think of other ways to calm down?

Did you know that being kind to others makes you happy too? This month and all year, try to practice Random Acts of Kindness. Below is a calendar to get you started!

Even MORE ideas:

Mind Yeti shares some wonderful research-based videos that help kids and their adults calm their minds and focus their attention. 

 Cosmic Kids Yoga has fun yoga and breathing stories!

The Virtual Calm Down Room has virtual ideas for calming down.

In the Feelings Bitmoji Room you will find many different emotions and strategies to explore!

Create your own calm corner.  You'll find a few ideas here!


The more we practice noticing and naming our feelings, the easier it is to manage our emotions and

Be Our Best Self! 


    N o v e m b e r                                a time of celebration   Thanksgiving is a well-known November holiday celebrated by famil...