As we enter the month of October, let's not forget the importance of Bullying Awareness and Prevention. It is important for parents, staff and students to Recognize, Report, and Refuse bullying.
Bullying Is:
- A person being hurt, harmed or humiliated with words or behavior.
- Sometimes repeated behavior, but it can be a single incident as well.
- Being done intentionally.
- One sided. Bullying is not conflict.
- Unfair. There is an imbalance of power.
- When the person being hurt cannot ignore, walk away from, or stop the problem.
If you see something that is wrong, DO something to make things right.
- Don’t ever join in bullying!
- Support the victim. Show your concern and offer kindness!
- Stand with the victim and say something.
- Reach out to others in friendship.
- Report bullying to an adult.
Click HERE to watch a video made by some UPSTANDER 5th graders at Great Falls.
The BEST way to stay bully free is for each of us to follow the Code of Conduct:
BE RESPECTFUL! Be polite. Appreciate the differences in others.
BE COMPASSIONATE! Be sensitive to the perspectives, needs and feelings of others.
BE COURAGEOUS! Don't be afraid to be YOU. Stand up for yourself and others.
Gorham School Department Bully Report Form
Great Websites for Information:
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