Monday, April 27, 2020

Wherever You May Be, Be a Citizen of the Code~~ RESPONSIBILITY

A Citizen of the Code takes responsibility seriously whether at school or at home.

Be a 
Citizen of the Code:

Know what your job is 
and then DO IT!  Organize your belongings.

Pick up after yourself. Finish your school work. Follow house rules.

Be a promise keeper! When you say you will do something, DO IT!

Take charge of your learning! ASK QUESTIONS! Ask for help when you need it.

A true citizen of the code is always RESPONSIBLE. We do the things we are supposed to do and we accept the outcomes of our actions.

Responsible Children Clipart



Friday, April 17, 2020

Wherever You May Be, Be a Citizen of the Code~ RESPECT

As citizens of the code we are respectful of ourselves, others and the world around us. 

Being respectful means we appreciate ourselves and other people. It means we value the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of everyone. 

Respect sounds like polite and kind words and manners. Respect looks like helpful actions. It means we take care of our environment and our surroundings, we take care of ourselves, and we are careful with others.

How are YOU being a respectful citizen of the code at home?

Monday, April 13, 2020

Wherever You May Be, Be a Citizen of the Code~ COURAGE

Courage is the strength to persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

Each of us, no matter our age, have our fears and our challenges. 

Having COURAGE means we face these challenges. We don't give up. We stand up for what is right, we try new things,  and we ask for help when we need it.

Right now, everyday things may be different and weird, and challenging.

Remember, you have what it takes to move through it one day at a time.

Here is one fun book that is all about courage!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Wherever You May Be, Be a Citizen of the Code~ COMPASSION

 ~ Compassion~

Today, let's focus on compassion. Compassion means we understand when other people are sad or hurt, and then we try to help.
When we are compassionate, we are careful with people’s feelings.

Many of us have sad, or angry feelings because we won't be
together in school again this year. We can be citizens of the code by being kind to each other, even when we're frustrated or worried. We can be kind to ourselves, knowing we will do the best we can, even if it isn't perfect, and that's okay!

To be compassionate means 
we promise to take care of ourselves and each other.

I shared one of my favorite books that I think helps us to feel like we are together even though we are apart.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Aprenda algo nuevo cada día! Learn Something New Every Day!

Learn Something New Every Day!

Learning isn't just for kids, learning is a lifelong adventure!
Learning another language has always been a challenge for me, and I am using this time at home to keep trying.

The app called Duolingo is one way I am developing my skills en español, and maybe learn a little Chinese too. You will LOVE this app! It's fun and can help you learn and practice a new language.

Another really fun place to learn new languages is called  The Fable Cottage. The Fable Cottage shares bilingual tales for language learners. Listen and watch some of your favorite fairy tales in spanish, french, italian or german!

Que tengas un gran dia or,  have a great day!

Friday, April 3, 2020

"My Shadow" ~a Classic Favorite

Throughout April I will be sharing my favorite poems with you. I hope you like them as much as I do and maybe YOU will begin to write some too!

"My Shadow,"  by Robert Louis Stevenson is one of my favorite poems. Although it was written in 1885, it is still popular because it describes a child who is fascinated by his own shadow, and aren't we all??

Does this make you wonder about your shadow too? Go outside and observe your shadow in the morning, at noon, and as the sun is setting. What do you notice? Can you make connections to the child in the poem?

If  you want to learn MORE about this poem, click HERE for a fun resource, and below are a few videos for you to hear recitations of this famous poem!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Poetry ~ In April and All Year Through

  It's Poetry Month!

I have always enjoyed poetry, and hope all children learn to appreciate it. 
April is a fun month to begin and poetry is awesome all year long! 
I've pulled together some sites and activities that I hope you will find fun and helpful!

Each and every April,

Since 1996

Kids and adults everywhere

Enjoy favorite poetry picks.

The Academy of American Poets

Want us to celebrate poetry 

Great poetry can be lots of fun 

That much we guarantee!

So each and every day this month

Seek out a few new poems

You are sure to find that many

Are really reading gems

Look up some real old poets,

Longfellow, Milne or  Hughes

Read Silverstein or Kenn Nesbitt

To giggle with someone new.

We hope that each day this April

You will try one new thing

Read, or write, a poem or two

You'll find it quite amazing!

~ Stacey Sawyer (2020)



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