Friday, September 30, 2022

Follow the CODE and Eliminate Bullying

Do YOU Remember the Five Aspects of the 

Gorham Community Code of Conduct ?


We agree to live by the code of conduct so our school and community will feel safe and welcoming for everyone. Ethics, another term for choosing right over wrong, helps us ALL understand and make good, healthy choices. 
If we ALL live by the Code of Conduct, we will build a healthy community and eliminate bullying. 
COMPASSIONATE people help others, we use kind words and we show we care.
RESPECTFUL people are polite and appreciate differences. 
RESPONSIBLE people follow the Code of Conduct and we know that we are responsible for our choices. 
HONEST people admit when they make a mistake and we apologize when we hurt others, even it is is by mistake. 
COURAGEOUS people STAND UP for others. We speak up and kindly remind others to follow the Code too!

BE A LEADER during Bullying Awareness Month and ALL YEAR LONG. 
If we work together we can eliminate bullying and enure ALL feel welcome here.

Enjoy this great book about about bullying. In Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon, the author teaches to be yourself like Molly Lou Melon no matter what a bully may do.

Learn More with the links below:
                                                                    Pacer Pledge

                                      Captain Compassion                        Code of Conduct Bitmoji Page

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